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Cloud EEG/MRI/fMRI automated pipelines, the SIESTA project

SIESTA explores how cloud computing can revolutionize neuroimaging research. By leveraging scalable infrastructure and standardized workflows, we make complex MRI, EEG, and MEG analysis more accessible, reproducible, and efficient. This session will showcase how automated pipelines, containerized environments, and cloud-based data sharing streamline neuroimaging studies across different platforms and operating systems.

Join us on June 30th in Toulouse to see how cutting-edge computing can power your research, simplify collaboration, and push the boundaries of medical imaging.


There is no cost. However, if you want lunch, please email Adrien.

Location and date

June 30th, 2025, Toulouse CerCo laboratory, Baudot building, first floor conference room (not ground floor)


10:00 – Isabelle Berry – Opening statements

10:05 – Robert Oostenveld – Introduction to the SIESTA project

10:20 – Cyril Pernet – An example EEG pipeline in the SIESTA framework

11:00 – Adrien Marque and Nathalie Vaysierre – An example fMRI pipeline in the SIESTA framework

11:40 – Arnaud Delorme – The NSG and BrainLife cloud computing platforms and why homomorphic encryption is the future

12:20 – Lunch (included for participants but email Adrien)

1:20 – Camille Maumet (remotely) – Robust science and tracking methods (to be confirmed)

1:50 – Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen and Marcel Zwiers (remotely) – SIESTA advanced methods

2:20 – Round table and general discussion led by Robert Oostenveld

3:00 – Close