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The EEGLAB installation on NSG provides access to most of the EEGLAB plug-ins. See the table below for the list below of plug-in available from EEGLAB at NSG, as well as important links to the use of these plugins

Plug-in name Plug-in description Optimized for NSG
AMICA Amica ICA algorithm plugin for EEGLAB Yes
Dipfit Source localization of ICA components No
filrfilt Routines for filtering data No

Not all the EEGLAB plug-ins on NSG are optimized for use in high-performance computing resources. Currently, we are adding these capabilities to key plug-ins developed at the SCCN. Optimization of plug-ins for HPC has been indicated in the last column of the table. Documentation for the plug-ins can be found by following the link in the plug-in name.