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EEGLAB and Python

EEGLAB does not work natively in Python because EEGLAB runs on MATLAB (and, to a considerable extent, on the open source Octave platform). Nevertheless, there are possible links with Python, which we are detailing here.

Should I use MATLAB-based tools or Python-based tools

One of the most important features when using a software package is usage and community. If the community is large and the software is popular, it is a safer choice as this ensures many problems people encounter have been solved - it also means that the code is probably more stable and has fewer bugs.

Below is the figure in an independent 2024 article showing the popularity of all software packages. image_eeglab

See also this third-party 2023 report, which compares EEGLAB citations with other EEG analysis software packages.

Major differences between MATLAB and Python

There is a trend in imaging tool development to migrate brain imaging tools to Python. Of course, Python (and the numpy/scipy math packages built on Python) would be an interesting (and free) alternative to using MATLAB. However, irrespective of what Python enthusiasts might claim, Python might not be ideal because it remains a programming language designed for programmers. For example,

  • Code indentation. Code indentation is a nice feature of Python. However, this style does not come naturally to the novice programmer. It also makes copying and pasting code between file sources and the command line interface problematic (since a snippet of code will most likely have unwanted indentation when copied to the Python command line).
  • Object-oriented notation. Python is much more object-oriented than MATLAB, sometimes requiring users to understand object-oriented concepts when calling functions. MNE, for example, do not let you access EEG data structures. If you want to access some information, such as channel coordinates, you need to dig through the MNE code in the hope of finding the non-documented method that will return this information.
  • Matrix for dummies! It is hard to understand for novices why an n-size vector should be indexed, beginning at 0 and ending at n-1 (in MATLAB and R, vectors begin at position 1 and end at n). Matrix manipulation in Python is not as intuitive as MATLAB. For example, the already non-intuitive Python code to concatenate arrays np.concatenate((np.array([[1,2],[5,_6|1, 2], [5, 6]]), np.array([1, 2]))) will fail because, unlike MATLAB, 1-D vectors are not compatible with 2-D matrices by default - and need explicit conversion. Compare to MATLAB simpler notation [ [1 2; 5 6]; [1 2] ] or [ [1 2; 5 6] [1 2]’ ] depending on the dimension to concatenate. The MATLAB code is readable for someone with math training.
  • Which version am I running? Python versions 2 and 3 are not fully compatible – and Python 2.7, although no longer supported since January 1, 2020, is still widely used because a large number of Python libraries are not available in Python 3 – leading to all kinds of unexpected problems that can slow down a novice programmer.
  • Where are my libraries? Python usually requires the user to install multiple external libraries; this can be tedious and does not come naturally to novices. Even experienced users sometimes spend hours getting their library settings right. There are also other technical problems related to the operating system and library compatibility that can take hours or days to solve (we speak from experience). Python version libraries’ stability across platforms can also be a headache – sometimes, you even have multiple libraries to do the same thing.
  • But Python is free. Why should I have to pay for MATLAB? Good conduct in (open) science should transcend discussions on finances. We pay for Microsoft or Adobe licenses because the free alternative, even if it exists, does not fulfill our needs. The compiled version of EEGLAB does not require users to purchase MATLAB, and EEGLAB code also runs on Octave.
  • Jupyter notebooks. The closest alternative to the Matlab interactive interface is the Jupyter Notebook environment that runs in your browser or in Visual Studio code. However, the graphical capabilities of Jupyter notebooks remain limited (it is sometimes hard to manipulate figures, impossible to zoom, etc…). Most people who are used to Matlab and tried Jupyter notebooks dislike Jupyter notebooks - then learn to live with the limitations if they need it for their work. By contrast, the less popular Spyder IDE is a decent equivalent of the MATLAB graphical interface and should feel more familiar.
  • Lack of features. MEEG software packages on MATLAB are mainly EEGLAB, Fieldtrip, and Brainstorm. MEEG software on Python is MNE which is more tailored to MEG users than EEG users. The MATLAB suite of available software is currently more mature than the Python one, which is a good reason to stick to MATLAB. EEGLAB has 32 plugins for automated artifact rejections. MNE has one (autoreject).
  • Show some respect! Python’s numpy library has been partially mapped onto MATLAB, which was released 22 years earlier. In numpy, you can map the names of some of the functions to their MATLAB counterparts, and they also take the same list of arguments. These include functions such as reshape, squeeze, meshgrid, griddata, transpose, dot, linspace, logspace, sum, mean, std, min, max, prod, diff, cumsum, cumprod, zeros, ones, eye, diag, inv, pinv, svd, eig, norm, trace, det, fft, ifft, cross, unique, sort, etc. Like MATLAB, Python is undoubtedly a versatile and powerful interpreted language, but please show some respect to your elders :-).

How to call EEGLAB functions from Python

Using Oct2Py

If you want or need to call EEGLAB functions from Python, the best solution is to use the Python package Oct2py (pip install Oct2py). You will need to install Octave as well. See this page for more information on how to run EEGLAB on Octave. The way this Python library works is that it converts Python data structures to MATLAB/Octave data structures and vice versa. Based on our research, it is the simplest and most stable way to run MATLAB functions in Python, and most EEGLAB functions may be called from within Python using this method (change xxx to the location where EEGLAB is installed on your computer).

# import dataset from EEGLAB
from oct2py import octave as eeglab
path2eeglab = 'xxxxx'

eeglab.addpath(path2eeglab + '/functions/guifunc');
eeglab.addpath(path2eeglab + '/functions/popfunc');
eeglab.addpath(path2eeglab + '/functions/adminfunc');
eeglab.addpath(path2eeglab + '/functions/sigprocfunc');
eeglab.addpath(path2eeglab + '/functions/miscfunc');
eeglab.addpath(path2eeglab + '/plugins/dipfit');
EEG = eeglab.pop_loadset(path2eeglab + '/sample_data/eeglab_data_epochs_ica.set');

# plot first trial of channel 1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The SCIPY Python library can import EEGLAB files, when the raw data is embedded in the .set file.

import as sio
EEG = sio.loadmat('eeglab_data_epochs_ica.set')

If the raw data is stored in a separate .fdt file, the read_epochs_eeglab MNE function can also import EEGLAB data files.

import mne
EEG ='eeglab_data_epochs_ica.set')

Stability consideration: We have found the Oct2py interface very stable. Issues usually arise when an EEGLAB function is not fully compatible with Octave (most functions should be compatible, including ICLabel; However, EEGLAB is optimized for MATLAB, not Octave).

Speed consideration: When using EEGLAB with this method, due to automated data conversion delay and lack of optimization in Octave, one should expect a 2x or more slowdown compared to using EEGLAB on MATLAB or native Python libraries.

Using MATLAB runtime Engine under Python or MATLAB compiled Python library

We do not advise these solutions as EEGLAB data structures are too complex to be passed on from MATLAB to Python. When executing the Python code, you will get an error “only 1xN and Nx1 char arrays can be returned from MATLAB” (which is not technically correct as many different data types are handled). However, the EEGLAB EEG structure contains arrays of structures for events and channels and is not handled. This has been the case for at least four years as of 2024, with no improved support in sight. Look for unsupported data types on this page (as of 2024, the website lists “structure arrays” and “cell arrays” as unsupported data types). Note that the Oct2Py interface described above handles these data types just fine.

Will EEGLAB ever run natively on Python?

For the foreseeable future, MATLAB will remain the platform on, which EEGLAB is developed and supported. MATLAB has a breadth of useful tools that are not yet matched by open source environments (e.g., no complex system to install libraries, good graphical support for different platforms, 3-D interactive graphics with transparency, powerful debugging tools, capacity to run native Java code), plus a wealth of available MATLAB toolboxes are handy, well known and well tested (e.g., image processing toolbox, for correcting for multiple comparisons; signal processing toolbox, for spectral decompositions; optimization toolbox, for optimizing code; bioinformatics toolbox, useful for EEG classification; virtual reality toolbox, for the real-time 3-D rendering of EEG activity). Finally, the MATLAB compiler allows us to create a compiled version of EEGLAB that does not require the user to have MATLAB – MATLAB scripts can be run by compiled EEGLAB, although interactive sessions are not supported.