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Historical Background

ASR was originally developed by Christian Kothe, now Intheon CTO. It was a part of BCILAB for online data cleaning. See their famous demo here. In the spring of 2013, I asked Christian to make the offline version. In response, he gave me the custom version of his ASR for offline use. I wrapped it up into an clean_rawdata() for EEGLAB plugin. Below is cited from Supplement of Miyakoshi et al. (2020).

…A historical fact is that the offline version of artifact subspace reconstruction (ASR) implemented in clean_rawdata() plugin, which is now validated by multiple studies (Mullen et al. 2015; Chang et al. 2018, 2019; Gabard-Durnam et al. 2018; Blum et al. 2019; Plechawska-Wojcik et al. 2019), was specifically developed for this project upon our request by the main developer of BCILAB (Kothe and Makeig 2013). The original solution was called Christian-Nima Combo after the developpers, but formally changed into clean_rawdata() on June 26, 2013 to be implemented as an plugin for EEGLAB (Delorme and Makeig 2004).

How it is organized

The core functionclean_artifacts() consists of five subfunctions, which form a versatile pipeline for the most upstream preprocessing.

  1. clean_flatlines()-This is to remove a channel that has a dead flat line longer than certain length.
  2. clean_drifts()-This is an IIR filter. You have to enter transition bandwidth (if you don’t know that it is, see this page).
  3. clean_channels()/clean_channels_nolocs()-This is to reject so-called ‘bad channels’. If channel location data is available, it calculates each channel’s correlation to its RANSAC reconstruction for each window (it mode was specially added later in the spring of 2014). If channel location is unavailable, it calculates each channel’s correlation to all others.
  4. clean_asr()-This does the real magic. The documents linked in this page will explain the mechanism in detail. In a nutshell, it uses a sliding window (default 0.5 s, overlap 50%) to PCA-decompose all the channels to identify a ‘bad’ PCs (defined by a comparison against the data’s own cleanest part in frequency-enhanced RMS) to reject and reconstruct the rejected PC activity from the remaining components.
  5. clean_windows()-This performs the final window rejection. If a sliding window (default 1.0 s. overlap 66%) finds more than given percentage of bad channels even after ASR, the window is rejected. By disabling this function, you can keep the data length to be the same between before and after the processing, if necessary.


ASR is implemented in an EEGLAB plugin clean_rawdata(), which you can download and install via EEGLAB plugin manager (from EEGLAB main GUI). Alternatively, you can download it manually from this page, unzip it, and locate the folder under eeglab/plugins.

Download ver 1.10 (old)

clean_rawdata() is no longer maintainned by Makoto Miyakoshi (me). But there was a report that the newer version re-introduced the problem of result replicatability. The behavior of the algorithm is identical except for options such as support for Riemanian geometry. In case people need to guarantee the result replicatability (I do), I uploaded my final version here. Use ‘availableRAM_GB’ option as described below. clean_rawdata1.10


Does ASR removes signal and noise altogether? (01/07/2020)

Qualitatively speaking, yes, but it is in the sense that no method can separate noise from signal perfectly. Thus I do not mean, as the English saying goes, ASR ‘throws the baby out with the bathwater.’ The reality is that much more noise is rejected than signal (otherwise what is the point?) However, to demonstrate it with quantitative evidence requires a well-designed simulation study. I attempted it, the report of which can be found in the Section 5 of the Supplementary Materials for Miyakoshi et al. (2020). I concluded that under the conditions I defined there, ASR+ICA approach gives advantage of 7-13 dB of SNR gain. If you are interested in, please check out the article.

Comments to the HAPPE paper, and how to choose the critical parameters

1) The SD threshold used was too aggressive: According to Chang et al. (2018), if SD = 5 is used, as they did, then 90% of data points will be modified and 80% of the original variance will be lost, according to this paper. You don’t want to do this. The same paper concluded that threshold SD = 10-100 is recommended. Important note: here, the definition of SD is

  1. choosing data’s cleanest part
  2. apply a custom frequency equalization filter that has a profile of inverse of EEG power spectral density (PSD) to ‘exaggerate’ non-brain-like power
  3. Calculate RMS of the data
  4. z-score the data

Because the distribution of the finally obtained z-scores is so tight, which means the cleanest part of data is too clean compared with noisy part of the same data, we need to use somewhat unusual cutoff values of SD=10 or 20. We once had discussion over this issue with Christian. He suggested we may want to use a different metric here, because SD=10 or 20 is unusually high, which indicates inappropriate use of the current metric. Indeed, in our unpublished data of cleaning method comparison conducted by Nima Bigdely-Shamlo (who developed Measure Projection, PREP, etc.), ASR with SD==20 recorded the best among other 20 methods. So starting with SD==10 to 20 is recommended.

2) Too aggressive window rejection: They also used window rejection of 0.05, which is also very aggressive.

3) After all, it was our fault–ASR has been there for years without being explained well (and still not! There are >30 main and optional parameters to explore), not to mention how to optimize the parameters based on empirical testing. The poor choices of the critical parameters shown in the HAPPE paper was unfortunate but understandable. Hopefully, we learn from Chiyuan’s paper Chang et al. (2018), which was published shortly after the HAPPE paper, to use ASR and related functions reasonably.

Supplementary Materials

A power point slides by Christian Kothe: This is a nice explanation of the principle by Christian himself.

The most detailed description of ASR: I wrote probably the most detailed (but still without all the details) description of ASR with great help of my colleagues, Chiyuang Chang and Shawn Hsu. This is one of supplements from Loo et al. (2019).

ASR for dummies: I also made a presentation material to explain the principle of ASR using an analogy.

My EEGLAB workshop slides: This is the file I distributed in the 25th EEGLAB workshop at JAIST Tokyo satellite, Tokyo.

Theoretical justification for using ASR as ICA’s preprocessing

An important thing to remember is that

  • ASR == non-stationary method (i.e., it uses sliding window PCA)
  • ICA == stationary method (i.e., only one spatial filter is used throughout the recording), and data stationarity (i.e., no glitches or bursts) is a required assumption.

In other words,

  • ASR == good at removing occasional large-amplitude noise/artifacts
  • ICA == good at decomposing constant fixed-source noise/artifacts/signals

In this way, both methods are complementary to each other. PCA is certainly too simple to explain EEG. But, if the current goal is to identify ‘occasional large-amplitude noise/artifact’ to make ICA work easier (by increasing data stationarity), it is sufficient.

Version 1.00 update details (updated 03/27/2019)

As mentioned above, clean_rawdata() has been available as a EEGLAB plugin since 2013. In the spring of 2019, I made a major update. Important confirmation is that this update did NOT change any core algorithms, so the results from the calculation will be the *same* given same parameters–but I will give you more detail about the exact replicatability of the output. The changes made in this update are twofold:

The option ‘availableRAM_GB’ is available to fix the length of final output.

We noticed that even if we use the same parameters, the final results from clean_rawdata() fluctuated. This is because when ASR is performed, it determines the number of chunks according to the available amount of RAM, which is obtained by hlp_memfree(), which calls getFreePhysicalMemorySize(), under private folder. Because the available amount of RAM is dynamically calculated literally moment by moment, every time this function is called, it returns different values. This is the cause of fluctuating final data length, since different chunking results in different ASR results, hence different final window rejection result. Here, I made a simple test shown below to determine if fixing the available amount of RAM fixes the output data length.

EEG = pop_loadset('filename','asrTestData.set','filepath','/data/projects/makoto/asrTest/'); % 123 ch, 2583s , 250 Hz sampling rate.

% High-pass filter the data.
EEG = pop_firws(EEG, 'fcutoff', 0.5, 'ftype', 'highpass', 'wtype', 'blackman', 'forder', 2750, 'minphase', 0);

% Trim outliers.
EEG = trimOutlier(EEG, -Inf, 1000, 1000, 100); % % 123 ch, 2581s , 250 Hz sampling rate.

resultTable = zeros(110, 6); % Conventional_dataLength, availableRam, processTime, Updated_dataLength, availableRam, processTime
for trialIdx = 1:110

    % ASR with no RAM option.
    currentRam =^30);
    tStart = tic;
    EEG2 = clean_rawdata(EEG, -1, -1, -1, -1, 20, 0.25);
    currentProcessTime = toc(tStart);
    resultTable(trialIdx, 1:3) = [EEG2.pnts, currentRam, currentProcessTime];

    % ASR with 8GB RAM option.
    currentRam =^30);
    tStart = tic;
    EEG2 = clean_rawdata(EEG, -1, -1, -1, -1, 20, 0.25, 'availableRAM_GB', 8);
    currentProcessTime = toc(tStart);
    resultTable(trialIdx, 4:6) = [EEG2.pnts, currentRam, currentProcessTime];


As shown, fixing the RAM size fixed the length of the output data. Currently, this is the only way to ensure result replicatability. I recommend this option is always used.

All the optional inputs down to clean_artifacts() are supported.

Upon a request made by the main EEGLAB developer Arnaud Delorme. One exception is ‘availableRAM_GB’ which is delivered to the two functions in two deeper layers, asr_calibrate() and asr_process(), via clean_asr(). The list of all 31 optional inputs are shown below. For detail of each optional input, please refer to the help section of each function specified.

% Decode all the inputs.
    ... % This section contains 6 basic parameters that corresponds to GUI inputs. The assumption is that users determine these values.
    {'chancorr_crit','ChannelCorrelationCriterion','ChannelCriterion'}, 0.8, ...
    {'line_crit','LineNoiseCriterion'}, 4, ...
    {'burst_crit','BurstCriterion'}, 5, ...
    {'window_crit','WindowCriterion'}, 0.25, ...
    {'highpass_band','Highpass'}, [0.25 0.75], ...
    {'channel_crit_maxbad_time','ChannelCriterionMaxBadTime'}, 0.5, ...
    ... % This section contains optional inputs for clean_artifacts() (i.e., for the 6 subfunctions). The assumptiion is that the default values are usually used.
    {'burst_crit_refmaxbadchns','BurstCriterionRefMaxBadChns'}, 0.075, ...
    {'burst_crit_reftolerances','BurstCriterionRefTolerances'}, [-3.5 5.5], ...
    {'window_crit_tolerances','WindowCriterionTolerances'},[-3.5 7], ...
    {'flatline_crit','FlatlineCriterion'}, 5,...
    {'nolocs_channel_crit','NoLocsChannelCriterion'}, 0.45, ...
    {'nolocs_channel_crit_excluded','NoLocsChannelCriterionExcluded'}, 0.1, ...
    ... % This section contains optional inputs for clean_flatlines().
    {'max_allowed_jitter', 'MaxAllowedJitter'}, [], ...
    ... % This section contains optional inputs for clean_drifts().
    {'attenuation', 'Attenuation'}, [], ...
    ... % This section contains optional inputs for clean_channels().
    {'clchan_window_len', 'CleanChannelsWindowLength'}, [], ...
    {'num_samples', 'NumSamples'}, [], ...
    {'subset_size', 'SubsetSize'}, [], ...
    ... % This section contains optional inputs for clean_channels_nolocs().
    {'linenoise_aware', 'LineNoiseAware'}, [], ...
    ... % This section contains optional inputs for clean_asr().
    {'asr_windowlen','ASR_WindowLength'}, [],...
    {'asr_stepsize','ASR_StepSize'}, [],...
    {'maxdims','MaxDimensions'}, [],...
    {'ref_wndlen','ReferenceWindowLength'}, [], ...
    {'usegpu','UseGPU'}, [],...
    {'availableRAM_GB'}, [],...
    ... % This section contains optional inputs for clean_windows().
    {'clwin_window_len', 'CleanWindowsWindowLength'}, [], ...
    {'window_overlap', 'WindowOverlap'}, [], ...
    {'max_dropout_fraction', 'MaxDropoutFraction'}, [], ...
    {'min_clean_fraction', 'MinCleanFraction'}, [], ...
    {'truncate_quant', 'TruncateQuantile'}, [], ...
    {'clwin_step_sizes', 'CleanWindowsStepSizes'}, [], ...
    {'shape_range', 'ShapeRange'}, []);

clean_rawdata() now stores all the parameters used, including optional inputs, under EEG.etc.clean_rawdata_log

To replicate a result, one needs ALL the input parameters, particularly ‘availableRAM_GB’. To make it easier, I decide to make each data set carry how they are processed with clean_rawdata() so that even the data sets are processed in a batch mode, they can be reproduced without the original code.


clean_rawdata(), which contains the offline version of ASR, was developed for a project for a study on chronic tic disorder (PI Sandra Loo) that was supported by NINDS 80160 and 97484.

Author: Makoto Miyakoshi, Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience (SCCN), Institute for Neural Computation, UC San Diego