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MFFMatlabIO is now the default import program for MFF files in Fieldtrip.

First download the latest version of Fieldtrip

Then, download the MFF test file and unzip it. Start a Matlab session.

Make sure that the Fieldtrip main folder is in your path and that the folder NIA_333ms_HCGSN32_test01.mff (which you have downloaded above) is in your current Matlab path. On the Matlab command line type

hdr = ft_read_header(fullfile(pwd, 'NIA_333ms_HCGSN32_test01.mff'));
events = ft_read_event(fullfile(pwd, 'NIA_333ms_HCGSN32_test01.mff'), 'header', hdr);
data = ft_read_data(fullfile(pwd, 'NIA_333ms_HCGSN32_test01.mff'), 'header', hdr);

Plot and check the data

figure; plot(data(:,1:1000)' + repmat([1:size(data,1)]*100, [1000 1]));

Writing the data back to MFF format

ft_write_data(fullfile(pwd, 'test.mff'), data, 'header', hdr, 'event', events, 'dataformat', 'mff');

Import back into Netstation