Event processing scripts
This section is essential for users who want to write EEGLAB/MATLAB scripts that select and/or process data time-locked to given types or combinations of events. It is also important for any EEGLAB user who wants to know how EEGLAB data and events are actually stored and manipulated. First, you might want to read the section of the tutorial describing the EEGLAB event structure.
Table of contents
Scripts for creating or modifying events
The scripts below are relatively advanced EEGLAB/MATLAB scripts. The EEGLAB script tutorial contains basic details on how to write MATLAB scripts using EEGLAB. First, we will import the continuous tutorial dataset. The code below detects the EEGLAB path automatically, so you may copy and paste it to your MATLAB command window.
%% Working with events
eeglab_path = fileparts(which('eeglab.m')); % get EEGLAB path
pop_editoptions( 'option_storedisk', 0); % Change option to process multiple datasets
EEG = pop_loadset( 'eeglab_data.set', fullfile(eeglab_path, 'sample_data')); % load data
A simple script below shift event latencies by 10 samples. Such manipulation are sometimes necessary because of delays introduced by the amplifier or computer collecting behavioral events. Alternatively, you may use the pop_adjustevents.m function. The script from this section is available here.
%% Adjust event latency
for iEvent=1:length(EEG.event)
EEG.event(iEvent).latency = EEG.event(iEvent).latency + 10;
The following script illustrates how to manipulate a dataset event list using the tutorial dataset by adding a new class of (pseudo) events to the existing dataset. Here, we want to add new events whose latencies are 100 ms before existing ‘square’-type events. (Note: Say we might want to do this to allow epoching of the data relative to the new events).
%% Add new cue events to a loaded dataset 0.1 second before time-locking event
nevents = length(EEG.event);
for index = 1 : nevents
if ischar(EEG.event(index).type) && strcmpi(EEG.event(index).type, 'square')
% Add events relative to existing events
EEG.event(end+1) = EEG.event(index); % Add event to end of event list
% Specifying the event latency to be 0.1 sec before the referent event (in real data points)
EEG.event(end).latency = EEG.event(index).latency - 0.1*EEG.srate;
EEG.event(end).type = 'cue'; % Make the type of the new event cue
EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'eventconsistency'); % Check all events for consistency
eeglab redraw % Redraw the main EEGLAB window
The EEGLAB ‘urevent’ structure allows researchers to explore the point of view that no two events during an experiment are actually equivalent since each event occurs in a different context. Although hard to dispute, insights into brain function to be gleaned from this point of view are sacrificed when dynamics time-locked to all events of a certain type are simply averaged together. In particular, the EEGLAB erpimage.m and pop_erpimage.m functions allow users to visualize differences in potential time course or spectral amplitudes in epochs time-locked to events sorted by some feature of their context. A simple example is sorting stimulus-locked epoch by subsequent response time (‘rt’), though this is only a simple and straightforward example. The function eeg_urlatency.m is useful for obtaining the latency of events in the original data.
Adding event information for group analysis
The EEGLAB data structure section of the tutorial indicates how events are processed for group analysis. Event information is pulled from all datasets and stored in the STUDY.datasetinfo.trialinfo structure.
For a given trial, only the information of the time-locking event is stored. If there is other information of interest in other events of a given trial (like reaction time for example), it needs to be added as a field to the time locking event (for example, EEG.events(1).rt = 1231 indicating a reaction time of 1231 ms for that trial). This has to be performed using a script and cannot be performed yet on the graphic interface.
If you want to add an independent variable, simply write a script that scans the EEG.event structure for each dataset and add a relevant field for the time locking event (event at time 0) of each data trial. For example, you may add the field ‘previous_event_type’ that would contain the type of the previous event. Once you create the STUDY, this field will automatically be taken into account and appears in the STUDY design interface. Below is an example of a simple script scanning events and adding the reaction as a new field to the ‘square’ time-locking events. This way it will become visible at the STUDY level. Note that when a reaction time is missing for a given trial, it will be dealt with appropriately at the STUDY level. Here, a STUDY is created with a single dataset, but in the general case, it would be created from multiple datasets. The script below is available here.
%% Modify the events of datasets for creating STUDY designs
% load the epoched tutorial dataset
eeglab_path = fileparts(which('eeglab.m')); % get EEGLAB path
pop_editoptions( 'option_storedisk', 0); % Change option to process multiple datasets
EEG = pop_loadset( 'eeglab_data_epochs_ica.set', fullfile(eeglab_path, 'sample_data')); % load data
% scan all datasets and modify events
% there is only one here so it is for illustration purpose
commands = {}; % for building the STUDY
for iDat = 1:length(ALLEEG)
for iEvent = 1:length(ALLEEG(iDat).event)-1
curEvent = ALLEEG(iDat).event(iEvent); % current event
nextEvent = ALLEEG(iDat).event(iEvent+1); % next event
% only find reaction time event following time-locking events (TLE) within the same epoch
if strcmpi( curEvent.type, 'square') && strcmpi( nextEvent.type, 'rt') && nextEvent.epoch == curEvent.epoch
ALLEEG(iDat).event(iEvent).rt = (nextEvent.latency - curEvent.latency)/ALLEEG(iDat).srate * 1000; % latency of reaction time in ms
% save dataset
fileName = fullfile( ALLEEG(iDat).filepath, [ ALLEEG(iDat).setname(1:end-4) '_rtevents.set' ]);
ALLEEG(iDat).saved = 'no';
ALLEEG(iDat) = pop_saveset(ALLEEG, fileName);
% add to list of dataset to build STUDY
if isempty( ALLEEG(iDat).subject), ALLEEG(iDat).subject = sprintf('S%2.2d', iDat); end % create subject name
commands = { commands{:} 'index' iDat 'load' fileName 'subject' ALLEEG(iDat).subject };
% create study
[STUDY, ALLEEG] = std_editset( [], [], 'commands', commands,'updatedat','off' );
eeglab redraw
% Use menu item STUDY -> Select/Edit STUDY design then
% under "Edit the independent variables for this design", press "New"
% You should be able to select event field 'rt' for creating designs
After running the script above, using the menu item Study → Select/Edit STUDY design, press the New button under the section Edit the independent variables for this design. You should be able to select rt to create new statistical designs (since this is a continuous variable, you would need to use the LIMO EEGLAB plugin to regress single-trial EEG activities on reaction times). Note that if you already have a STUDY, you will need to reload it from disk to update trial information (or call the function std_maketrialinfo.m).
Note that you may be tempted to modify the STUDY.datasetinfo.trialinfo field instead of modifying events for each dataset. However, even if you have saved the STUDY, every time you restart EEGLAB and reload the STUDY, your modifications will be erased. This is because EEGLAB keeps consistent the content of the STUDY.datasetinfo.trialinfo structures with the events in the individual datasets.