Using pop_nsg command line tools in your EEGLAB plug-in
The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate the use of pop_nsg command line tools (see Tutorial 2) to implement EEGLAB plug-ins equiped with NSG capabilities. This is demonstrated here by implementing a sample plug-in using pop_nsg command line tools. The plug-in implemented for this purpose (pop_icansg) is a light-weight version of pop_runica implemented to compute ICA (using a method selected from two options) on a loaded EEG dataset. However here, instead of showing the many options and parameters available in pop_runica, pop_icansg focuses on enabling some standard pop_nsg command line options to run via NSG, thereby potentially reducing compute time. Below we discuss each of the steps involved in this process.
First, you will need to specify your NSG credential using pop_nsginfo, either via the EEGLAB menu selection Tools > Send to NSG portal > Change NSG portal settings and credentials or by calling the function pop_nsginfo on the command line. Make sure also that you have the nsgportal plug-in folder under ../eeglab/plugins.
The sample plug-in pop_icansg
The example plug-in (pop_icansg) implemented for this tutorial is distributed with the nsgportal plug-in files and can be found in nsgportal/demos/demo_plugin/icansg/. To install the plug-in, move the folder containing the plug-in (icansg) to ../eeglab/plugins and restart EEGLAB.
In the plug-in folder you will find two files, eegplugin_icansg.m and pop_icansg.m. The first function enables the user to launch the plug-in from the EEGLAB menu and provides the current EEG dataset structure (the dataset currently loaded in EEGLAB) as an input to pop_icansg.m. An explanation of the syntax used in this function can be found in this EEGLAB wiki section
The second function will be the focus of this tutorial. The aim of the plug-in is to perform ICA decomposition via NSG using one of two implemented decomposition approaches, ‘runica’ or ‘jader’, that performs Infomax or JADE ICA decomposition, respectively. If called from the EEGLAB menu by manually selecting the EEGLAB GUI menu item specified in the eegplugin_icansg function (see figure below), the plug-in will use the current EEG dataset structure loaded into EEGLAB, and will pop up an option entry window asking which ICA method to use. The figure below shows the eegplugin_icansg menu item selected and the pop_icansg window popped up as a result.

The plug-in pop-function (pop_icansp)can also be called from the MATLAB command line; in this case, you may pass as input the EEG dataset structure you want to decompose as well as the decomposition method to apply to the data. The sample code below specifies both the EEG dataset structure to operate on and the ICA decomposition type to apply; it thus will perform ICA decomposition via NSG on the currently loaded (EEG structure) dataset (using ‘runica’) without popping up a parameter input window:
OUT_EEG = pop_icansg(EEG,'icatype','runica')
After calling and executing the plug-in, the function pop_icansg will have created a folder containing the data and scripts required to submit an NSG job. The plug-in will then submit that job to NSG, and when the job finishes, will retrieve and return the EEG dataset plus its ICA decomposition. This processing proceeds in the following steps:
- Manage the inputs
- Create a temporary folder and save the input data to it
- Compose the m-file MATLAB script to be executed via NSG
- Submit the job to NSG
- Optionally activate periodic NSG polling for job completion
- Download the input data and job results
- Delete the job from your NSG job list
- Load the results into EEGLAB and return them in the plug-in command output.
The following subsections explain these steps in detail. The subsection headings are direct references to comment headings in pop_icansg.m.
Section 1: Manage the plug-in inputs
if nargin < 1
help pop_icansg;
allalgs = { 'runica' 'jader' };
if nargin < 2 % Pop up window call: No ICA method specified;
% pop up the parameter input window.
cb_ica = 'close(gcbo);';
promptstr = { { 'style' 'text' 'string' 'ICA algorithm to use (click to select)' } ...
{ 'style' 'listbox' 'string' char(allalgs{:}) 'callback', cb_ica }};
geometry = { [2 1.5]}; geomvert = 1.5;
result = inputgui( 'geometry', geometry,'geomvert', geomvert, ...
'uilist', promptstr,'helpcom', 'pophelp(''pop_icansg'')', ...
'title', 'Run ICA decomposition in NSG -- pop_icansg()');
if ~isempty(result)
options = { 'icatype' allalgs{result{1}}};
else % Command line call specifying the ICA decomposition method;
% in this case no pop-up parameter input window is created.
options = varargin;
In the code subsection above, the plug-in handles the pop_icansg function inputs. The code supports the two ways of invoking the plug-in, from the EEGLAB menu (see the Pop-up window call code section above) and by a MATLAB command line call (see the Command line call code section above). If the function is called with only one argument (specifying the EEG set to decompose), the code pops up a parameter input window asking which ICA algorithm to use. The selected option is stored in the variable options. If the command line call provides the ICA algorithm to use (using the optional input ‘icatype’), then the function will assign its argument to the variable options.
Section 2: Create a temporary folder and save the input data to it.
In the first part of this section, your NSG credentials and options (including the location of the output folder to receive the results) are retrieved by invoking nsg_info.m. These options, of course, must already have been set by using pop_nsginfo.m as explained here. This information is used to create a temporary folder (here icansgtmp) in the NSG output folder (as defined in pop_nsginfo.m). The location of the temporary output folder is freely selectable. Here we use the output folder defined in the NSG options, as we assume the user has permissions to write and modify files in this location (since that option was previously defined by the user).
nsg_info; % Get the name and path of the temporary folder
jobID = 'icansg_tmpjob'; % Specified job ID (must be a string)
% Create a temporary folder
foldername = 'icansgtmp'; % Temporary folder name
tmpJobPath = fullfile(outputfolder,'icansgtmp');
if exist(tmpJobPath,'dir'),
mkdir(tmpJobPath); % Make the temporary folder
For the sake of simplicity, in our example we use a hard-coded job ID (string variable jobID in code section above). This may be sufficient if no other job is submitted (by anyone) via this plug-in while a earlier pop_icansg job is still in the NSG processing queue, and if previous NSG job records have been deleted (as demonstrated below) after retrieving their results. However, if you want to allow multiple concurrent job submissions to be active in the NSG job queue, we encourage you to generate individual job IDs, so that NSG job label confounds do not arise. For instance, you may create a job ID by attaching a three digits random number to the current name ( MATLAB code: jobID = [‘icansg_tmpjob’ num2str(floor(rand(1)*1000))]).
Next, save the input data in the temporary folder via the following code:
% Save data in the folder previously created.
% Here you may change the filename to match the one
% in the script to be executed via NSG
pop_saveset(EEG,'filename', EEG.filename, 'filepath',tmpJobPath);
Here, the name of the data file was not changed, but it might be modified to make it consistent with its treatment in the next section.
Section 3: Manage the m-file script to be executed via NSG
The MATLAB script to be executed via NSG (code Section 3) is written so as to allow the script to flexibly adapt to different input options. In our example, the name of the dataset and the ICA algorithm to use are provided as inputs, either through the pop-up parameter input window or the command line. These values are used then to compose the script to be executed via NSG:
fid = fopen( fullfile(tmpJobPath,'icansg_job.m'), 'w');
fprintf(fid, 'eeglab;\n');
fprintf(fid, 'EEG = pop_loadset(''%s'');\n', EEG.filename);
fprintf(fid, 'EEG = pop_ica(EEG, ''%s'',''%s'');\n', options{1},options{2});
fprintf(fid, 'pop_saveset(EEG, ''filename'', ''%s'');\n',EEG.filename);
If, as here, the icatype is ‘runica’ and the EEG file name is tempdatafile.set, the script to be run via NSG will then read as follows:
eeglab; % The composed script to be run via NSG
EEG = pop_loadset('tempdatafile.set');
EEG = pop_ica(EEG, 'icatype','runica');
pop_saveset(EEG, 'filename', 'tempdatafile.set');
Section 4: Submit the job to NSG
In Sections 2 and 3, the job files were created in the folder icansgtmp. In this section, the job will be submitted to NSG. (This part of the code may look similar the one used in the Tutorial 2).
jobstruct = pop_nsg('run',tmpJobPath,'filename', 'icansg_job.m', ...
'jobid', jobID,'runtime', MAX_RUN_HOURS); % run the job via NSG; here
% ask for up to 30 min runtime
Observe here that although some default NSG options are hard-coded in the pop_nsg code, it is possible for the programmer to allow users to specify some or all of these options using, for instance, a parameter input edit in the main GUI of the plug-in (not shown in this tutorial).
Alternatively, the plug-in function may end here (Section 4); in this case the user can be directed to manage the job through the pop_nsg pop-up window (see Tutorial 1). The rationale for this is that jobs may remain for some time in the NSG job queue waiting to be processed. Thus, you may not want the plug-in function and window to remain active until the job finishes. Due to this, you may want to direct the user to manage the job through pop_nsg, so as to wait for job completion, or the user can choose to log back into pop_nsg to check on the NSG job status at some later time. If you do want the plug-in to hang until the NSG job is finished, then continue the function code as below:
Section 5: Activate periodical job status polling from NSG
Next, we perform periodic job status polling using nsg_recurspoll.m.
POLL_INTERVAL = 60; % use a (default) 60-second polling interval value
jobstructout = nsg_recurspoll(jobstruct,...
'pollinterval', POLL_INTERVAL); % recursively poll for NSG job status
% and display latest results
The function will now retrieve the status of the submitted NSG job every 60 seconds (via the argument to option ‘pollinterval’), continuing to run until the job is completed. Note: We advise making this polling mode optional, as the user may rather wish to perform other work in EEGLAB and check the status of the job later (See comments at the end of Section 4).
Section 6: Download the NSG job data and results
After the function nsg_recurspoll.m exits, download the NSG job results using another call to pop_nsg:
Section 7: Delete the job from the user’s NSG job list
You can then again call pop_nsg to remove the NSG job record from the user’s NSG job list.
In general, it is good practice to remove the job record once its results are retrieved. This will avoid cluttering your NSG account with jobs that are no longer active.
Section 8: Load the NSG job results into EEGLAB and return the results from the calling function
Here, the EEG data and its computed ICA decomposition are loaded into EEGLAB and returned in the function output. Here, we use the default output folder path defined in nsg_info.m.
OUT_EEG = pop_loadset(EEG.filename, fullfile(outputfolder, ['nsgresults_' jobID],foldername));
Example of executing pop_icansg
In this example, we apply the completed plug-in pop_icansg to a sample EEG dataset.
Load data
Here we use the EEG sample data, eeglab_data_epochs_ica.set, distributed with EEGLAB, which is located in ../eeglab/sample_data/ . To load the data, either use the EEGLAB menu (by selecting menu item File > Load existing dataset) or use a command line call to pop_loadset (as in the example below).
EEG = pop_loadset('filename','eeglab_data_epochs_ica.set','filepath','/eeglab/sample_data/');
Call the plug-in pop_icansg
We now compute the ICA decomposition of the loaded EEG dataset using pop_icansg, selecting the ‘runica’ method. To perform this, select EEGLAB menu item Tools > Run ICA via NSG and then select the ICA method ‘runica’ in the pop up parameter selection window. Press ‘Ok’, after the selection. Else, to execute the same process but from the command line, use the following command:
OUT_EEG = pop_icansg(EEG,'icatype','runica');
While waiting for the NSG job to complete
After pop_icansg executes, you will see in the MATLAB command line window accumulating messages similar to these:
1 >> Scaling components to RMS microvolt
2 >> Saving dataset...
3 >> Job has been submitted!
4 >> Accessing jobs on NSG...Done.
5 >> Accessing job: " >> EEGLAB_TG-291E9AF9FAB64B918C07259E310A3A78" on NSG...Done.
6 >> Accessing jobs on NSG...Done.
7 >> Accessing job: "" on NSG...Done.
8 >> Job status on 6-10-2019 15:10:3 : QUEUE
9 >> Accessing job: "" on NSG...Done.
10 >> Job status on 6-10-2019 15:11:3 : SUBMITTED
11 >> Accessing job: "" on NSG...Done.
12 >> Job status on 6-10-2019 15:12:3 : LOAD_RESULTS
13 >> Accessing job: "" on NSG...Done.
14 >> Job status on 6-10-2019 15:13:3 : COMPLETED
15 >> Accessing job: "" on NSG...Done.
16 >> ./icansgtmp/
17 >> ./icansgtmp/eeglab_data_epochs_ica.set
18 >> ./icansgtmp/tempdatafile.fdt
19 >> ./icansgtmp/icansg_job.m
20 >> ./icansgtmp/tempdatafile.set
21 >> ./icansgtmp/eeglab_data_epochs_ica.fdt
22 >> ./scheduler_stderr.txt
23 >> ./scheduler_stdout.txt
24 >> ./stderr.txt
25 >> ./stdout.txt
26 >> Done.
27 >> File downloaded and decompressed in the
28 >> output folder specified in the settings
29 >> Accessing job: "" on NSG...Done.
30 >> Accessing jobs on NSG...Done.
31 >> Accessing job: "" on NSG...Done.
32 >> Accessing jobs on NSG...Done.
33 >> pop_loadset(): loading file /Users/amon-ra/Downloads/nsgtmp/nsgresults_icansg_tmpjob/icansgtmp/eeglab_data_epochs_ica.set ...
34 >> Reading float file '/Users/amon-ra/Downloads/nsgtmp/nsgresults_icansg_tmpjob/icansgtmp/eeglab_data_epochs_ica.fdt'...
35 >> Scaling components to RMS microvolt
The first and second lines indicate that the dataset provided as an input was saved in the temporary folder icansgtmp. Lines 3 and 4 confirm that the job was submitted to NSG. Lines 5 to 14 provide periodic updates on the job status (dated 60 seconds apart). Lines 15 to 32 detail the process of downloading the job’s results. The final lines 33-35 document loading the function output. Note that this is the whole output print of the job; to generate all these messages, the job must complete successfully. Be aware this may take some time.
If you are curious about the job generated by calling pop_icansg, check the folder you indicated should receive the output of the NSG job, and list the sub-folder ‘icansgtmp’. This will contain the data submitted to the NSG job and its output file(s).
Here we showed, via a simple example, how high-performance computing (HPC) resources at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), accessible via NSG, can be integrated seamlessly into an EEGLAB plug-in using the flexible pop_nsg command line tool. Note that this example is intended only a proof-of-concept example. Feel free to explore other implementation variations in your plug-ins. Note also that your plug-in should in nearly all cases give the user the option of computing on the local machine else via NSG. You should consider allowing the user to specify further NSG launch variables, and might also urge the NSG user to test the performance of the plug-in on a small subset of their data before launching a lengthy NSG computation.