2021 Virtual EEGLAB Workshop
Note: If you are an attendee, please refer to the link you have received by email which contains the latest program and links to the online event.
From June 14 to June 18, the 30th EEGLAB workshop will be held online in a virtual brain conference site on GatherTown. The first day will be free for all and will feature lectures and social events. The workshop will feature lectures on how to process data using EEGLAB, including scripting and the use of multiple plug-ins. Parallel sessions will discuss specific topics, particularly wearable EEG, deep learning and EEG, connectivity analysis, and EEG.
We are looking forward to meeting you online …
Below is a still-provisional program for the 2021 Virtual EEGLAB Workshop (suggestions/requests welcome). The workshop will be held online, with social networking possible in the GatherTown environment. All hours are shown in Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT), and, in parentheses, Central European Summer Time (CEST). The time has been arranged to accommodate North and South American as well as Western European and African time zone waking hours. ‘Night owl’ participants from elsewhere are welcome as well. A later event will be planned to better accommodate Asian time zones.
Note: Gather.town has a free public sample site for learning how to get around, attend events, and meet people in Gather.town - we highly recommend you try out their live walkthrough before the Workshop begins.
Time zone: All the times below are shown in California (Pacific Daylight) Time. Click on one of the time zone boxes below to select your time zone (we are in process of adding more zones).
MONDAY, June 14th (open to all; free registration required)
06:30am–7:00 – Registration open; come explore the workshop Gather.Town site. Hang out and socialize with new and old friends …
7:00am–7:55 – Gather in the Gather.Town workshop site. Meet the tutors.
7:00am–7:45 – Basic elements of MATLAB scripting for EEGLAB (for beginners; Clement Lee)
8:00am–9:10– Mining event-related brain dynamics I (Scott Makeig)
9:15am–10:00 – What's new in EEGLAB? (Arnaud Delorme)
10:00am-11:00 - Parallel participant poster presentations in the Poster Hall. Note that you must register for the whole workshop to present a poster.
11:00am-12:45pm - Advanced Topics
Parallel session 1 - Analysis of 'wearably' acquired EEG data
- 11:00-11:30 - Wearable EEG device review (Cedric Cannard)
- 11:30-12:15pm - Practical applications of wearable EEG (Tzyy Ping Jung)
- 12:15-12:45pm - Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) (John Iversen)
Parallel session 2 - Neuroinformatics using BIDS and HED
- 11:00-11:30 - What is the 'Brain Imaging Data Structure' (BIDS)? (Cyril Pernet)
- 11:30-12:10pm - Hierarchical Event Descriptors (HED) (Robbins, Makeig & Dung Truong)
- 12:10-12:45pm - The EEGLAB BIDS data I/O plug-in (Truong & Delorme)
Parallel session 3 (reserved for sponsors; TBD)
TUESDAY, June 15th (paid registration required)
7:00am–7:45 – EEGLAB data import and 'bad' data visualization (Julie Onton)
8:00am–9:00 – Time-frequency decomposition: Theory (John Iversen)
9:00am–10:00 – ICA theory (Jason Palmer & Scott Makeig)
10:00am–10:30 – Social time. Tutors available for Q&A
10:30am-12:45pm - Advanced Topics
Parallel session 1 - Time-frequency and connectivity analysis
- 10:30-11:30 - Time-frequency PRACTICUM in EEGLAB (John Iversen)
- 11:30-12:00pm - The PowPowCAT plug-in (Makoto Miyakoshi)
- 12:00-12:45pm - Phase/amplitude coherence (PAC) plugin (Ramon Martinez Cancino)
Parallel session 2 - Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) for multimodal data collection
- 10:30-10:45 - LSL introduction and demonstration (Christian Kothe)
- 10:45-11:00 - The lsl_app_matlabviewer EEGLAB plugin (Arnaud Delorme)
- 11:00-11:30 - LSL synchronization and other topics (Christian Kothe)
- 11:30-12:00pm - LSL in virtual reality and iEEG (Chadwick Boulay)
- 12:00-12:30pm - LSL troubleshooting I (David Medine)
- 12:30-12:45pm - LSL wrap up (Tim Mullen)
Parallel session 3 (reserved for sponsors; TBD)
WEDNESDAY, June 16th (paid registration required)
7:00am–7:45 – ICA decomposition PRACTICUM (Julie Onton)
8:00am–9:00 – Forward & inverse head modeling (Zeynep Akalin Acar)
9:00am–10:00 – EEG connectivity analysis (Tim Mullen)
10:00am–10:30 – Social time. Tutors available for Q&A.
10:30am-12:45pm - Advanced Topics
Parallel session 1 NFT/NIST high-res. source imaging plug-ins
- 10:30-11:00 - High-resolution source imaging (Zeynep Akalin Acar)
- 11:00-12:45pm- NFT/NIST demo and PRACTICUM (Zeynep Akalin Acar)
Parallel session 2 - Connectivity analysis
- 10:30-11:00 - The DIPFIT and ROIconnect plug-ins (Arnaud Delorme)
- 11:00-11:45 - Connectivity analysis using SIFT (Tim Mullen)
- 11:45-12:45pm- SIFT PRACTICUM (Tim Mullen)
Parallel session 3 (reserved for sponsors; TBD)
THURSDAY, June 17th (paid registration required)
7:00am–7:45 – ICA clustering PRACTICUM (Julie Onton)
8:00am-9:00 – EEGLAB group analysis (Arnaud Delorme)
9:00am-10:00 – Multiple comparisons corrections and the use of bootstrap (Cyril Pernet)
10:00am–10:30 – Social time. Tutors available for Q&A.
10:30am-12:45pm - Advanced Topics
Parallel session 1 - Linear statistical modeling of EEG data
- 10:30-11:00 - Introduction to linear modeling (Arnaud Delorme)
- 11:00-11:30 - Statistics using linear modeling (Cyril Pernet)
- 11:30-12:45pm - EEGLAB LIMO plug-in PRACTICUM (Cyril Pernet & Arnaud Delorme)
Parallel session 2 - Advanced ICA analysis
- 10:30-11:15 - AMICA and AMICA Tools (Scott Makeig & Jason Palmer)
- 11:15-11:45 - Independent Modulator Analysis plug-in (Wagner & Onton)
- 11:45-12:45pm - ICA reliability analysis (Fiorenzo Artoni)
Parallel session 3 (reserved for sponsors; TBD)
FRIDAY, June 18th (paid registration required)
7:00am–7:45 – Network. Tutors available for Q&A.
8:00am–9:30 – Mining event-related brain dynamics II (Scott Makeig)
9:30am–10:00 – Deep learning for EEG - the HBN benchmark dataset (Delorme, Truong)
10:00am–10:30 – Social time. Tutors available for Q&A.
10:30am-12:45pm - Advanced Topics
Parallel session 1 - Group analysis, pipelines, and scripting in EEGLAB
- 10:30-11:00 - Creating an EEGLAB STUDY (Arnaud Delorme)
- 11:00-11:45- Working with EEGLAB studies, PRACTICUM (Arnaud Delorme)
- 11:45-12:15pm- Scripting with EEGLAB studies, PRACTICUM (Arnaud Delorme)
- 12:15pm-12:45pm - **EEGLAB and high-performance computing (Arnaud Delorme)
Parallel session 2 Automated artifact rejection and component classification
- 10:30-11:00 - Artifact Subspace reconstruction (Christian Kothe)
- 11:00-11:20 - ASR performance analysis I (Fiorenzo Artoni)
- 11:20-11:40 - ASR performance analysis II (Tzyy Ping Jung)
- 11:40-12:45pm - ICLabel for classifying independent components (Luca Pion Tonachini)
Parallel session 3 (reserved for sponsors; TBD)
1:00pm–1:45pm– Participant presentations and general discussion (All)
1:45pm–2:00pm– Close