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EEGLAB plugin documentation

Below is a list of plugins that have documentation copied from GitHub. Please note that this is only a small subset of all EEGLAB plugins, as not all plugin documentation is compatible with visualization and search functionalities on the EEGLAB website. The complete list of plugins can be found here.


  • EEG-BIDS: Imports and export EEG data to the BIDS format
  • NWB-io: Import and export to the NWB format
  • BVA-io: input/output for Brain Vision Analyzer format
  • MFF-matlab-io: input/output for MFF EGI file format
  • Neuroscan-io: input/output for Neuroscan file format
  • CTFimport: input/output for Neuroscan file format
  • get_chanlocs: Import scanned channel locations


  • ICLabel: Classifies independent components of EEG data
  • Viewprops: Advanced ICA component property viewing for IClabel
  • DIPFIT: Localizes independent components of EEG data
  • ROIconnect: Computes connectivity analysis between regions of interest
  • AMICA: Computes Adaptive Mixture Independent Component Analysis
  • Clean_rawdata: Rejects bad channels and bad portions of data using ASR
  • LIMO: Linear Modeling of EEG data
  • SIFT: Computes connectivity analysis between ICA components
  • groupSIFT: Group-level SIFT analysis
  • BrainBeats: Joint EEG/heart analysis
  • Zapline-Plus: Removes line noise
  • CleanLine: Computes mixture model independent component analysis
  • EEGstats: Compute EEG statistics (power, alpha peak and asymmetry)
  • trimOutlier: Removes EEG outliers
  • fMRIb: Removes fMRI artifacts in EEG
  • IMAT: Finds independent modulators of EEG data
  • NIMA: Clustering of ICA components using Measure-projection
  • PACT: Computes phase-amplitude coupling for ECoG
  • NFT: Localizes ICs using Neuroelectromagnetic Forward Head Modeling
  • PACTools: Computes phase-amplitude coupling using different methods
  • ARfitStudio: Computes multivariate autoregressive models of EEG
  • PowPowCAT: Computes cross-frequency power-power coupling of ICs
  • RELICA: Computes reliable ICA using Bootstrap
  • std_dipoleDensity: Computes ICA component dipole density
  • FirFilt: Filtering of EEG data
  • NSGportal: Performs computation on the Neuroscience Gateway

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